Thursday, July 2, 2009


Its been reported that a soldier is missing and presumed to be a pow of the taliban.

Its always terrible to lose someone this way. But after my 6 years in the US Navy.... like most military personal you hope for the best and try not to get too over confident. But we know going in to it there is a chance that we may be killed or pow'ed. Being a pow to the taliban is a lot like being dead and I find myself hoping this soldier is either rescued very very quicky or already gone to his fidlers green. Im not heartless I just dont want anyone to be a pow to the taliban.

Why are are we in afghanistan?

Ask rather "Why are we still in afghanistan?". While I and many are far from forgetting the event's of 9-11 or the hunt for bin laden , things are a bit cloudy about the "why".

Are we there to take out or at least hurt the Taliban?

If this isnt good enough for you... are we trying to help a large group of people oppressed by a group of terrorists?

Is this going to work? I dont know.. but maybe we can get these people on the road to being able to fight for themselves. Freedom isnt just about posting in yahoo its also about having the the choice and perhaps the option of being able to defend or fight for the freedom of one's self or family.

Is this a bit clearer for you?


1 comment:

  1. Well, what we are doing there is complicated by the fact that it should have been done eight years ago. And from what I understand, they are indeed trying to get the Afghans to fight for themselves, but of course, our presence in their country complicates even that. And anyway, there's some doubt as to whether they have the resources to continue doing what we're teaching them once we're gone.

    And I agree with you. And I also think that when people are ready for freedom, they'll fight for it themselves. The trouble is that we're fighting an entity that is not a government and yet is stronger than the governments of the countries they inhabit.

    My heart goes out to the missing soldier and I agree with everything you said about it.
