Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Wicked witch of the South East.

Sue Bulman , your nightmare come true.

Want her Number?

Its Me... a bit older and less lean

I put on a few pounds.... and its not a great pic. But this is me as of a few days ago. This is where we do Our Wash.

This old Sailors Lady

Meet The Lady Deborah Jean Zaborney. I told her to wave... not windmill. Still a good picce I think.

An old sailor without a ship.

There is my old ship. This is a decent pic but the ship looks a lot worse these days.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Truth about the Swine flu

By now everyone is pretty much all shits grins and giggles because the government has told them the flu isnt that big of a deal. What they dont really say is that the yard stick they use to measure it... is about 29000 American's die every year of the flu! So as long as a bit less then 29000 People in the USA die of the Flu... its a good year.

dosent help if your one of the 29 thousand?

So tell me this.... why arent you worried? Cant happen to you right? Ya know Im sure the very short list of flu victems to DIE thus far in the USA had similar thoughts.


I guess I dont have enough buzz words... like SEX , LOVE and Swine Flu. A lot of people would pepper thoer blog with these words.

As far as SEX goes.... I like to make love on the beach , in the sand.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A bit of Humor and perhaps something less.

Call this an interlude while I work on the next installment. I plan to introduce more pictures and come somewhat back to my original topic. But in the meantime....

This is an old one but having been on both sides of this joke I feel I have a unique perspective to this joke.

In one of that higher class eateries we find a sailor and US Marine using the head. When he was finished the sailor made for the door. The Marine cleared his throat and said

"In the marines they teach us to wash our hards after using the head"

The Sailor though about it a second and replied

"In the navy..... they teach us NOT to pee on our hands"

and Left.

Ok I dont talk about it much But I did a brief tour with the USMC. Now this is a joke and I think its funny. But bear in mind that in a fight there isnt any sailor who isnt glad to see the Marines at his back.

Off in the desert a group of Taliban terrorists were having coffee on a hill. A voice came over the hill.

"Any Marine can handle any 10 taliban"

So the Terrorist leader sent 10 terrorists over the hill.... but nothing.

A voice came over the hill

"Any Marine can handle 100 terrorists!"

So the terrorist leader then sent 100 Terrorists over the hill.

But Not a single one came back!

A voice rang out over the Hill.

"Any marine can handle any 500 Taliban!"

This time the terrorist leader wasnt going to take any chances. He sent 1000 terrorists over the hill. And this time 1 single terrorist returned. And he said

"It was a trap... there are TWO of them!!!!!"


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When family interferes

This old sailor and my lovely Lady Deborah have been togther for something over 23 years. An incedent happened about 3 weeks ago that found her brother in the hospital and emergecy surgery.

He is fine and did very well. In the process members of thier family that havent bothered to see them in over 20 years came up to see him. They did in fact come to see Deborah and myself 2 times. The first went ok but the second was a train wreck.

After welcoming Deborahs's Mother,Younger sister & Brother into our home things rapidly got odd. Sue Bulman Decieded she had to sit where I sit right now. I diddnt know it at first but she was going to inspect the medications I keep on my computer desk.

I had to go to the Head (for all you lubbers.. no offence.. thats the bathroom). When I came back Sue was rapidly checking all my meds and then insisting I diddnt need any of them. We let it go for the moment.

When It was time for her family to leave Deborah went with them out to thier car. I was sitting where I am know and through the open window I could hear Sue Bulman trying to convince her sister to just get in the car... because in her statement "I am just a bum". They wanted her to just leave everything she owned and a relationship of over 23 years losely based on the fact that I have been for about 2 years unable to work. Before they got her into the car I went out and got her.

Later on that Evening Debby and I discussed the way he sister Sue Bulman abused our hospitality and my privacy. Both of us decided that we diddnt want her sister to come to our home anymore simply because she had no business going through my medications. And we emailed her to that effect and stated quite clearly that she is unwelcome and is at risk of charges of invasion of privacy and trespass and that the rest of her family is more then welcome.

It was late and Deborah works night so we went to bed after Deborah turned off her cell phone. We slept until about 2pm (typical for us as she goes to bed after 4am).

When we got up there was a message from her sister Blasting me for turning off her sister cellphone and in language most sailor's wont use I was accused of trying to stop Deborah from talking with her family. Nothing could be more wrong as I have never done so. Sue also went on about how she was gonna get her daddy and her 3 uncles to come over and have a TALK with me.

Deborah did in fact talk to her family several times and it pretty much ended in Deborah crying and they just wouldnt listen to her. Her younger sister controled all the flow of information on her cell and has convinced Deborah's family that she is a prisoner here and not in a long and loving relationship.

Now Deborah and her family have pretty much disowned each other... considering her family hasnt even called her once in the preceding 23 years I dont see much of a loss... But I diddnt want this to happen and tryed to avoid it.

I have an Mp3 of this if you want to hear it.. the call that is.

Later Shipmates

The Lady in the Rain

Another of My Poems

The Lady in the Rain

She stands there
and hides her pain.
Her tears unseen
in the falling rain.
She is so alone
No friends to call.
She says she is alright
But I Can see through it all.
She awaits for what I can not say
I only hope she finds it one day.
Until then she waits and let her tears Flow
onto the gritty sand.

The Call of the Sea

I wrote this maybe two or three years ago and at the end Il post a link you can use to find it online.

The Call of the sea
Oh come , Come to me
You brave sailors of the Sea
Leave behind your woes of land
Your Destiny has come to hand.

Ride my gentle swells
Feel my Loving motion
For you are mine...
who rides the ocean.
Dare Me if you will...
My waves of steel
My Hardsh demand
My heady thrill
For you are mine..
One day I call you home
A worthy sailor
on the sea alone
I will Steal your breath
and Take away your fear
My Watery Depth
Your new Home..

This old sailor - An Introduction

find myself and my Lovely Lady Debby living in a small bungalow in a rustic seaside town on the Shore of new Jersey. In case I forgot it My Name is Robert and Most folks call me Bob... but for reasons many can guess I cant in this blog tell you what Debby has called me over the years.

I consider myself to be a sailor at heart. After all you can take the sailor from the sea but you cant take the sea from the sailor. So of the details in this blog will seem similar to those who have led a similar life to mine and I hope that both those who have and have not been a sailor will enjoy my tales.

Back in a few days :)

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